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She Reads Truth

'Ruth' Study Book

Regular price $80.00 AUD
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The women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you without a family redeemer today. May his name become well known in Israel.” 
—Ruth 4:14

The book of Ruth is not an account of prophets or mighty kings, judges or patriarchs. It’s a record of ordinary people who wrestle with God’s character as they seek to orient their lives around God, His commands, and reflecting His unfailing love and loyalty to those around them. More than a grand fairytale or a model love story, Ruth’s story demonstrates how God brings meaning to the most universal and seemingly commonplace aspects of life—family, loss, provision, work, financial hardship, and community.  

As we read this seemingly simple story, we'll discover how these ordinary lives are part of a much bigger story. Join us in this two-week reading plan as we look at the life and legacy of Ruth to remind us that we too are brought near to God in His story of redemption. 

- 8x10", perfect bound, 96 pages

- 14 days (2 weeks) of daily Scripture readings—right there in the book

- A reader’s edition insert of the book of Ruth

- An introduction to the context of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

- An exploration of the names in the book of Ruth

- A look at the journey from Moab to Judah

- Definitions of key terms in the book of Ruth

- A look at God’s heart for the vulnerable throughout Scripture

- Space for personal notes and prayer

- A closing reflection


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING THE FORMAT OF THIS BOOK: This book includes the Ruth reading plan, along with a written introduction and many other helpful elements throughout, many of which are exclusive to this Study Book. Because God’s Word is living and active, we believe the Holy Spirit is faithful to illuminate our minds as we read Scripture. For that reason, devotional responses to each day’s reading can be found on and the She Reads Truth app. We invite you to join us there for further commentary and conversation.

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